Health Program

The ENRICH health component is designed to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services to all the households in the Juniadha union. Each household is visited at least once a month by a health visitor to collect health related information about all its members. The collected information and data are recorded in the household health-card and also entered into a computer database established for the purpose. The field work is supervised by Enrich health Officer. The Enrich health Officer conduct static clinics in the ENRICH office every day to attend to patients, usually advised by health visitors to go there. For patients needing further treatment are advised to visit the satellite clinics held once a week in each ward, with MBBS doctors attending to patients there.

There is also referral arrangement with both public and private hospitals and clinics for the patients who need specialized medical services. Costs are substantially subsidized; and for the very poor, services are provided free of cost.

Health camps (vision, dental, heart, diabetes, Medicine, Gyne, Pediatric, ENT, etc) are also organized under the ENRICH as and when required, with specialist doctors attending. In these camps, patients with serious ailments are referred to different public and private hospitals and clinics where their treatment is arranged free of cost or at a nominal cost. The ENRICH has also launched a de-worming campaign, giving away free medicine to 100% of its registered households, covering all household members above 5 years of age. In addition, pregnant women and Lactating mothers are provided free vitamin, iron and calcium supplements.